Episode 71

Financial Wellness Expert Maia Monell


December 31st, 2020

56 mins 12 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

    <p>On the latest episode, Garnet and our guest host&nbsp;<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/lhjost/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Lane Jost</a>&nbsp;chat grit, behavior change and personal finance with<a href="https://navitmoney.com/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">&nbsp;Nav.it</a>&nbsp;CMO and co-founder Maia Monell. The Nav.it app is an early stage product designed to coach users into financial wellness through an array of innovative tools designed to stimulate improved habits. We also hear about Maia's own founder story and how she connects sports to leadership and empathy.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>Key read:&nbsp;<a href="https://www.amazon.com/Grit-Passion-Perseverance-Angela-Duckworth/dp/1501111108" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth</a></p><p><br></p>